Volume 24, Number 11 ● November 16, 2016
Environmental and Cultural Resource Performance Metrics Available at Virginia Performs Website
The Council on Virginia's Future recently updated the Environmental Indicators section of the Virginia Performs website, a public platform for sharing a variety of indicators that measure the Commonwealth’s performance relative to economy, education, health and family, public safety, natural resources, transportation, and government & citizens. The site also provides background information and data along with the steps Virginia is taking to achieve each goal. The website provides detailed information as well as a snapshot of Virginia’s progress.
The metrics for Virginia’s environment include:
- Water quality: wetlands, water supply, impaired waters, Chesapeake Bay pollution and restoration, and marine trash
- Historic resources: historic landmarks, rehabilitation projects, and preservation easements
- Air quality: particulates, smog/ozone, criteria emissions (including volatile organic compounds, sulfur dioxide, nitric oxide, and lead), and mercury
- Energy: consumption, clean and renewable sources, and electricity prices
- Land preservation: preservation and land lost
- Solid waste and recycling: waste stream, recycling rates
To learn more, visit the Virginia Performs website at http://vaperforms.virginia.gov/index.php.