Field Notes, Volume 10 (2003)
Vol. 10, No. 9
November 18, 2003
- Fairfax County Board of Supervisors Adopts Resource Protection Area Maps
- Volunteers Needed for Exception Review Committee
- Low Impact Development May Be Mandated by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
- Fairfax County Public Hearing on the Environment - Expanding the RPA
Vol. 10, No. 8
October 23, 2003
- U.S. Army Corps Proposes Culvert Changes
- Fairfax County Resource Protection Area (RPA) Maps Coming Soon
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) State Program General Permit 01 (SPGP-01) Amended Effective September 25, 2003
- More State Program General Permit (SPGP) Changes Expected
Vol. 10, No. 7
September 16, 2003
- Fairfax County Considers Intensely Developed Area (IDA) Designation for Tyson's Corner
- Northern Virginia Governments Push to Change Bay Act Regulations
- Enforcement Continues with Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Involvement
- Preventing Accidental Impacts to Wetlands
Vol. 10, No. 6
July 9, 2003
- Fairfax Board of Supervisors Adopts Bay Ordinance
- Prince William County BOS Updates Comprehensive Plan
- Wetlands and VPDES Permit Compliance
- Wetlands and West Nile
- The EPA Offers Compliance Help for the Construction Industry
Vol. 10, No. 5.1
May 21, 2003
- Issue Alert: Fairfax County Defers Chesapeake Bay Decision Until June 2, 2003
Vol. 10, No. 5
May 9, 2003
- Fairfax County Chesapeake Bay Changes on the Way
- Regional Pond Program Changes in Fairfax County
- Endangered and Threatened Species Alert: Small Whorled Pogonia
- New Fairfax County Requirement – Surveying Downstream Ponds
- Proving Adequate Outfall Gets Tougher in Fairfax County
Vol. 10, No. 4
April 17, 2003
- Chesapeake Bay Preservation Ordinances Updates
- Local Chesapeake Bay Preservation Ordinances Updates
- RPA Mapping in Fairfax County
- Clean Water Act Grassroots Efforts
- DEQ Crackdown
Vol. 10, No. 3 (.pdf 537 KB)
February 12, 2003
- Chesapeake Bay Deadline Extended
Vol. 10, No. 2 (.pdf 148 KB)
January 21, 2003
- VPDES and Chesapeake Bay Preservation Ordinance Changes
Vol. 10, No. 1 (.pdf 340 KB)
January 6, 2003
- Major Revisions to NOVA Chesapeake Bay Preservation Ordinances — Public Hearing Scheduled