Field Notes, Volume 14 (2006)
Vol. 14, No. 7
November 10, 2006
- Changes to Nationwide Permits
- Cultural Resource Zoning Amendments
- New Plant Discoveries
- WSSI Reaches Out and Wins Awards
Vol. 14, No. 6
August 31, 2006
- Stream Mitigation Fees Increase
- Fairfax Plan Submissions to Army Corps
- Army Corps LID Requirements
- Wetland Survey Requirements
Vol. 14, No. 5
July 17, 2006
- Wetland Financial Analysis
- New DEQ Permits
- Bald Eagles
- Fairfax RPA Map Changes
Vol. 14, No. 4
June 20, 2006
- The Supreme Court Ruled on the Limit of Federal Regulation of Streams and Wetlands - Or Did It?
- DCR and U.S. Congress Suggest Sweeping Changes to Stormwater Regulations
- Changes to the Prince William County DCSM
- Reclassifying Perennial Streams to Intermittent in Fairfax County - Changes Lie Ahead
- COE Nationwide Permits Set to Expire March 18, 2007
Vol. 14, No. 3
May 10, 2006
- Endangered and Threatened Species Alert
Vol. 14, No. 2
April 28, 2006
- WSSI Gold LEED Award
- Stream Proposals
- WOUS Permit Compliance
- Bald Eagle Delisting
- Stafford RPAs
Vol. 14, No. 1
February 17, 2006
- Fairfax PFM Amendments Approved
- Wetland Permits Proposed Revisions
- Corps and Localities Coordination