Volume 25, Number 10 ● July 6, 2017
Washington Youth Summit on the Environment Visits WSSI
WYSE students learned about geo probes from Triad Engineering
The Washington Youth Summit on the Environment (WYSE) is an annual program which hosts 250 high school juniors and seniors from across the country at George Mason University for a week of hands-on experiences and seminars regarding the environment. As part of this year’s program and for the second year in a row, Wetland Studies and Solutions, Inc. (WSSI) hosted 40 of these future leaders at our Gainesville office on June 27. The students and staff were given a tour of our LEED Gold building – starting on the green roof and following the stormwater treatment throughout the building. Favorite parts of the tour included the pervious pavement demonstration, visiting the WSSI gym, and, of course, the dogs.
Throughout the tour they learned what defines sustainability – not just LID practices and product lifecycle costs, but the workplace environment. After the tour, students had the opportunity to talk with young engineers and environmental scientists and asked questions about what it’s like working for an environmental company and what we do on a day-to-day basis, as well as advice for college applications and future internships.
For the second half of the day, Triad Engineering led a geo probe demonstration, teaching students about soil sampling and monitoring wells. Students practiced what they learned using hand augers in WSSI’s wooded area.